Live Bee Removal

Our goal is to provide safe and effective solutions when bees move into unfavorable and precarious locations. We only offer humane removal of bees and never use pesticides or poisons. For every hive saved we ensure safe relocation and continued care of the bees at local apiaries throughout coastal Santa Barbara County.

Every removal plan prioritizes public safety and health of the bees. For us to best help you, please provide as much information as you can. Rates are based on how long the bees have been established, the difficultly to reach the hive, location, and safety. We are happy to offer emergency services when help is needed immediately.

  • Swarms

    Swarming is a natural process in the life cycle of a honey bee colony. Swarming occurs when a large group of honey bees (and a queen) leave an established hive and fly off to establish a new colony. Swarms appear as a cloud of flying bees that land and congregate in one area, often making a large clump of bees.

    Removing swarms can often be a quick and simple process depending on their location. It is important to address a swarm early, as they are typically looking to establish their new colony inside of a nearby structure.

  • Established Hives

    An established colony is a swarm that has permanently nested in a location. Colonies can grow quite large and will have a lot of activity at the entrance to the cavity in which they reside.

    Bees will make and build their hives in a huge array of different structures, see below for some examples.

    A healthy colony will build layers of wax comb, and is comprised of thousands of bees working to make and store honey, and rear brood (developing baby bees). Bees will actively defend their nest if disturbed.

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